Join the Incarnation Sacred Music Ministry Family!
Everyone has a place in Incarnation's Music Ministry! From seasoned professionals to those
who have never before made music, we have opportunities for all skill levels. Below are descriptions of our ministries. Just show up to any listed rehearsal by entering through the Adoration Chapel. Specific rehearsal dates can be confirmed via the " Schedule" page.
Singers & Instrumentalists:
“Why do we Sing (Play)?….For the Greater Glory of God.”
“How Should we Sing (Play)?....From the Depths of our Hearts.”
“What is Our Purpose for Singing (Playing)?....To Lead the People of God to Heaven.”
Adopted from "Sing to the Lord", USCCB (2007)
The Children's Choir (CC):
All are welcome! If interested in joining the CC Ensemble, please contact the Director of Music.
The CC Ensemble is for children in grades 2nd through 8th.
We have a Two-Fold Purpose in this ensemble:
Create long-lasting bonds with each member of the vocal ensemble.
Experience the joy of music through different genera of music literature and singing with other chorus members/friends.
Rehearsals are on Mondays from 6:00-6:45 pm.
We sing once a month at the Incarnation Church.
No musical background or audition is needed to join this choir.
Incarnation Adult Bell Choir (High School and Up):
This is Incarnation's Bell Choir (high school level and up).
Leads congregational music at Mass.
Learns and presents Bell ensemble music - we ring anything that is appropriate for the sacredness of the Liturgy!
Rehearsals are on Thurdsays from 7:15-8pm in St Cecilia's Music Room.
Play handbells with the congregation and/or with any of the choir ensembles.
Play once a month during mass and rotates between the 4pm, 9:30am, and 11am Masses.
No musical experience is needed! We will help you learn how to ring bells and feel welcomed into the Inc. Sacred Music Ministry Family.
Instrumentalist (High School and Up):
Audition is required. Please fill out the "Sacred Music Interests Form" and our Music Director will contact you within 24 hours to schedule an audition.
Instrumentalists add to the community’s music through the accompaniment of hymns, choral pieces, and providing instrumental-only music at appropriate times of the year.
Play at various liturgies as agreed upon with the Director of Music and Liturgy.
Audition required.
Potential opportunities to play at weddings/funerals, based on audition.
High school and up.
All instrumentalists will be paid. Compensation will be determined by degree, experience, and proficiency.
Incarnation Parish Adult Choir (College and Up):
This is Incarnation's choir for adults (college level and up).
Leads congregational music at Mass.
Learns and presents choral music of the Church - we sing everything that is appropriate for the sacredness of the Liturgy!
Rehearsals are on Thurdays from 6pm-7:15pm.
The ensemble sings twice a month and rotates between the 4pm, 9:30am, and 11am Masses as scheduled.
Anyone who can sing is welcome! You do not need to be a professional singer to join this group. We will help you find your voice and feel welcomed into the Inc. Sacred Music Ministry Family.